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 I am pictured with my thesis chair and mentor, Dr. Humberto Lopez Castillo, whom I worked with on my thesis for nearly two years. Next, I am with Amanda Ammirati who is the coordinator of honors research and has supported me throughout my research as well. Next, I am between Dr. Odahowski, who is my mentor and on my thesis committee, and Dr. Lopez Castillo. We took this photo right after I successfully defended my thesis! In spring of 2022, I was able to present at the UCF College of Medicine 2022 Global Health Conference, where I won second place in the people's choice award, the Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, National Undergraduate Research Conference, UCF Student Symposium, and Burnett Honors College Scholar's Day. I also work in Dr. Bo Chen's lab with researcher Imran Khan. We are studying protein expression of human T-lymphotrophic virus 1.

Other Research Projects

Clinical Trial Presentation

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The Relationship Between Smoking and COPD in Florida Adults

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Research Proposal: A RCT Comparing the Effects of Cardio Versus Resistance Training on Hypertension in Adult Women ages 35 to 55 in the United States 

Patient with Healthcare Nurse

Although this project is currently underway, my team and I are drafting a grant proposal, as part of a course project, between different modes of exercise and management of hypertension in women. Here, I will gain the skills required for grant writing to hopefully use in my own research endeavors.

My Mentors

Dr. Humberto Lopez Castillo
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Dr. Humberto Lopez Castillo's research interests include the link between alcohol use as a driver to risky sexual behaviors among men who have sex with men, sexual and reproductive health, secondary data analyses, and cardiovascular health of sexual minorities.

Dr. Cassie Lewis Odahowski
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Dr. Cassie Lewis Odahowski's research focuses on cancer epidemiology and social determinants of health, the identification of health disparities among rural and minority populations, use of geospatial analyses of health care resources, and the advancement of cancer screening and treatment options. 

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